About Me

My name is Phoenix Bee.

I am an astrologer, artist, musician and writer. I’ve had a complicated journey.

When I was young, I was crushed by complex trauma. I groped in the dark, at a loss to understand myself, what drove me, why I struggled and why some things came so unexpectedly easily.

Then I discovered astrology.

Like nothing else, astrology shone a light on my inner world, ‘making sense of my insanity’ (to quote a client of mine). I was not crazy! I simply had a different path than most. My priorities and proclivities make sense when viewed through the lens of my natal chart.

My 8th House Aries Sun/Venus conjunction, my Midheaven Mars, Leo Moon and Virgo Rising, along with the other forces arrayed within me, help me view life through varicoloured lenses. These forces align and conflict, generate challenges and offer opportunities that only I experience. Nobody else can understand me better than I. The more I learn, the more I make sense of myself.

As a side effect of my personal quest for self-understanding, I have developed a unique and perfect approach to astrology for making sense of the self. If you are struggling, I may be able to help. If astrology isn’t for you, you might want to try a card reading.